We hope you all enjoyed your break and are getting settled into the Term 2 routine!
This term will see one of the highlights of the life of our association: our Annual General Meeting on 7 June. This is a time where you can learn more about FANS and witness the election of Committee members.
We are especially delighted to welcome Lily Stewart, who joined the FANS Committee to help us run our events ; and we would like to thank Marine Hautemont for her support in welcoming new families into our community. She has expressed her wish to officially join FANS at the forthcoming AGM.
Term 2 will also see, as usual, a dedicated team bringing you exciting events whilst ensuring our students are engaged with their French learning through fun-filled educational projects.
See below a snapshot of what lies ahead and scroll down to check out what happened in Term 1!
FANS Committee 2022-23.
Term 2 – This is what we have in store!
Poem Recitation
The poems have already been selected, from the Berthe Mouchette competition.
There is a poem for Francophones and one for Anglophones and English First students for every year (with a choice between 2 for Year 3 to 6 students).
Students will learn the poem with their teachers of French or Mme Bacchi (for Anglophones and English first students) until Week 5. Videos for the pronunciation will also be available to help.
The class finals will be in week 6, for a school final in week 8 in front of a jury from Camberwell Public School (CPS).
There will be a Francophone and an Anglophone/English First winner for each year.
Best of luck to all our students!

High School Classes
Some of our DELF students will be sitting their DELF Junior exam at the June session.
The DELF exam is made up of 4 parts: Oral and Written Comprehension and Oral and Written Production.
We wish them good luck, but we trust they prepared well and are ready for it!
In the History workshop, Mme Bacchi will touch on the interwar years, teaching the students about the roaring 20s, the rise of nationalism in Europe and the Great Depression leading to the 2nd Word War and the Alliances.

FANS Annual General Meeting
It is a great time to understand more about FANS and our activities, see how we are performing, meeting the committee and other members.
Convocations to all FANS members will be sent shortly and all members are invited to join.
Pin the date in your calendar and we hope to see many of you on the night: Wednesday 7 June, at KHPS Auditorium, from 7pm to 8.30pm.
FANS's AGM is held in English.
See you there!

Fête de la Musique
The organising team has already been working hard on this major event, brought to Killarney Heights by FANS and the KHPS P&C.
Saturday 17 June, from 11am to 7pm, we will party to the sound of bands and buskers from the Northern Beaches and beyond. The day will end with a disco!
FANS and KHPS P&C will organise fundraising food stalls. All the proceeds will go towards the FANS bilingual program and the KHPS P&C Music Program.
In order to run this event successfully, volunteers' help is crucial. If you would like to get involved and have the time to support this event, please reach out to events@fanssydney.org.
And, we are looking forward to seeing you - adults and children - on the day!

NSW Creative Vouchers
FANS is now an approved Creative Kids provider.
You can therefore redeem your Creative Kids voucher with FANS, either towards the bilingual program, IFBS Anglo, DELF classes or History workshop.
Please submit your details here by Monday 8 May so the voucher can be applied on your term 2 invoice.

Term 1 projects in a flash!

Common projects with CPS
Our Year 5 and 6 students discovered the concept of pen pals with the first lot of letters sent from KHPS students early March, and the replies from their CPS peers arriving at the end of Term 1.Our Kindy students got to “meet” their fellow CPS Kindies through the school song from CPS recording in response to our ‘Bonjour’ song sent to them earlier.
Finally Year 3 to 6 students at both schools were invited to illustrate the figurative and literal meaning of a Francophone expression. KHPS winners were decided by CPS jury and students, and CPS winning drawings were selected by our KHPS students!

Francophonie Week
All KHPS students were invited to participate in activities and games either at recess or lunchtime during Francophonie Week.
It seemed they all had
tremendous fun playing Hockey in the hall, Pétanque on grass, singing for the
Karaoke, a Francophonie Flags Bingo and Word search.
La Chasse aux drapeaux (Flag Hunt) that spreads throughout the school ground is always a hit and it was no different this year again!
Thank you to all teachers of French who organised and managed these exciting activities.
Extracurricular classes at KHPS
We are proud of our many IFBS Anglophone students’ learning, and their enthusiasm to improve and learn more French. We would like to recognise their great motivation as we know it is an early start of the day!
L'Etude is now a one-hour session focused on written homework overseen by a teacher of French. The quiet and supervised environment is favourable to a better understanding of the French grammar.
With received many positive feedbacks and we are happy that our offer suits your needs!

High school Students FANS classes
We welcomed many new students in DELF B1 class this year, and all our B1 from last year have moved to the B2 preparation. Each exam takes on average 2 years to prepare. We hope to present most our students to next year’s exam session, being the B1 or the B2.
Mme Bacchi, the teacher of the History workshop, has also been widening the general knowledge of our students with a full term on the Great War through videos, texts reading and discussions.
After Year 6 Info Night
French learning has great benefits in secondary school too, especially useful to maximise the ATAR score.
We recommend looking into the options available to your children when they leave KHPS.
Have a look at the information presented during our hybrid info night on the pdf below.
For more details about the classes offered by FANS, check our website or contact the office admin@fanssydney.org.
For additional information on classes held at KHHS, please contact the high school directly killarney-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au.

Canteen Special & Election Day BBQ
March was a busy month, with, as well as everything else already mentioned: a canteen special for Francophonie Day (Wednesday, 22 March) and the Election BBQ Fundraiser on the Saturday 25 March.

Visit from the Consul General of France
Mr Juillard met with Mrs Tegg - KHPS Principal, Mme Bentley - FANS General Manager, Mme Duprat - FANS Vice-President and M Gautier - FANS Executive Teacher of French.
After a school tour to see our students in action and judging the CPS drawings for the illustration competition, Mr Juillard shared ideas and insights to promote and support our program.